8 Jobs als Biologin / Biologe (m/w/d) am Bodensee

Postdoc Position in Remote Sensing of Algal Blooms
Universität Konstanz

(fulltime, E 13 TV-L) Reference No. 2024/168. The start date is October 2024 and is initially limited for 2 years. This position can be divided into two part-time positions. The University of Konstanz is one of eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany. Since 2007 it has been successful in the German Excellence Initiative and its follow-up programme, the Excellence Strategy. The Limnological Institute at University of Konstanz is seeking for a highly qualified and motivated postdoc to work in an Interreg-funded project on the monitoring of Lake Constance and other peri-Alpine lakes via remote sensing. This project is part of the “DiMark” project and the postdoc is expected to closely collaborate with the researchers of this international project and at the Limnological Institute. The main task of the postdoc will be to compare remote sensing applications with available long-term data and reference parameters measured in situ (e.g., phytoplankton blooms, lake whitening). The position is for two years with a possibility for extension for a 3rd year at a 2nd working place (Thonon-les-Bains, France). The Limnological Institute is located directly at the shore of Lake Constance and provides the infrastructure for reference data collection. The Limnological Institute and the DiMark consortium are both international, and work on a wide range of topics, including plankton and food-web responses to global change.

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